How to Break Down Your S.M.A.R.T.T. Goals and Finally Live Your Best Life!!!

May 6, 2020by Eboni Ignites

SMARTT goals are the basic building blocks for success in today’s tough business climate. Whether you are working to accomplish a single specific goal or have an overall idea of success you are working to achieve, creating goals following these SMARTT principles can help.

S is for Specific

It also stands for simple, significant, and sensible. All make excellent points in the goal setting process. Your goals need to be as specific as possible as they will serve as your roadmap to success. These goals need to allow no room for misinterpretation or misunderstanding.

These goals will answer the following critical questions:

  • Who?
  • What?
  • When?
  • Where?
  • Why?

Once you have all the answers to these questions in your goal setting process, it is difficult to get derailed due to lack of details or information.

M is for Measurable

It also works wonders when used to describe goals that are meaningful or motivating. Measurable goals make accountability possible while meaningful and motivating goals often keep you on task throughout the process, keeping you on your path to success.

How will you know when you have accomplished the goal? If your goals are not measurable in some meaningful way, it will be difficult for you to recognize success once you find it.

A is for Achievable

This means that you are not setting your goals so far off that you take on an attitude of hopelessness about ever accomplishing your goal. Most people find that having one huge goal makes it difficult to remain motivated along the way. However, having several smaller goals working up to the overall goal allows them small victories to celebrate along the way as they work toward the ultimate goal of their journey.

R is for Relevant

Some people prefer results-based or realistic as well. What you want is to create goals that keep you on the path toward your overall goal and not a series of goals that take you around the world while getting you nowhere close to the success you desire.

At the end of the day, your goals need to have something in common with your overall business objectives. Even if your goal is about learning how to start an email campaign online, build a landing page, or create a website; these tasks are still relevant to the overall goal of achieving success in your business. Despite the fact they are all very specific and different activities.

T is for Timely

There needs to be a timeframe for achieving your goals. This keeps you on task and prevents too much time from passing in pursuit of your goals that you forget what they are. There absolutely must be some sense of urgency for achieving your goals in order to keep you committed, with your eye on the prize.

T is for Transformational

Romans 12:2 says, “……Be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Your transformation at the end should reveal a completely different person than existed before.

Do you want to say goodbye to old behaviors and thoughts that are holding you hostage and in bondage? The time is now for personal transformation. Begin today breaking down and dismissing limiting beliefs that do not serve you. End your resistance and struggle today with yourself.

When you are ready to live your best life, goals like these can help you organize your thoughts, actions, and mental energy to accomplish your short and long-term business goals efficiently and quickly.